Monday, April 20, 2009

My Life in a Slideshow

1) The purpose of my remix is to express part of who I am as an individual with a series of images from my life and captions that describe these images. My audience is whoever sees the blog where the remix is posted, as well as my Myspace where I also posted the remix, and possibly my Facebook if I decide to post it there as well for my friends to see. It will circulate on these three websites only as far as I am concerned. My intended meaning behind the remix was to express some of my interests and hobbies, as well as the people and things that I care most about.
2) The techniques and choices that I used to create and communicate my remix were to pull a variety of images over the years that displayed a bunch of different aspects of my life, and make these pictures come alive in colorful and unique ways. By adding captions with color, as well as the heart transitions between slides, it helped me to more creatively show who I am as a person, and not just post a bunch of pictures, but rather make them pop and stand out.
3) I believe that everything that I portrayed is of fair use, because many of the images were taken by my friends and I on my camera, and so they were mine to use as I pleased, and the ones in which I took from the Internet I used in my own fashion and with my captions, and so I transformed them for a specific purpose, that being entertainment. The slideshow website that I used provided me the options of color and background/transitions, and so everything that I did to make my slideshow come alive was all within boundary of avoiding copyrighting. I believe that it is transformative, because although I am sure that there are other slideshows out there like it, no other slideshow is exactly like mine in that it has the exact same images, captions, and so on, and so mine is unique to who I am as an individual, and it sticks to what the fair use video guidelines lay out as being reasonable and within fair use rather than crossing over to copyrighting.

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